Queensferry Parish Church

QPC Notices

During the week…... Thu 11th May

The Pastoral Assistants are part of our Church’s Pastoral Care Team, supporting the ministers by visiting those at home or in hospital in need of support. If you know someone who would like a visit please contact the church office(0131 331 1100) or individual Parish Assistants. Betsy Clarke (0131 331 2783), Anne Forsyth (0131 629 7833), Nigel Hutchison (0131 331 2996) Christine Kirkcaldy (07553 343018).

The flowers from church are delivered each week to those who have been bereaved, are ill or are having a special celebration. If you know of anyone for whom these would be appropriate, please contact one of the Pastoral Assistants or Esther.

Home Groups - mutual support in the walk of faith .

Evening group - Wed evenings, 7.30-9.30pm twice a month. For more information, please contact Bob Gemmell, Ian Forsyth or email: discipleship@qpcweb.org

Thursday Service: 9.30-10a.m. Contemplative service. Coffee available afterwards.